05 November 2015

I Have a Theory

Ok, so I know it's been ridiculously forever since I've posted and I wonder if anyone will find this interesting, but I have a theory regarding the Gilmore Girls saga that satisfies my imagining of how they might "fix" the problems of the last season when producer and writer Amy Sherman-Palladino was no longer working on the show (Stupid network garbage).

Are you ready for this? It's long-ish, so settle in. Here goes:


At the end of season six, we find Lorelai giving Luke an ultimatum about their future and she ends up in bed with Christopher, Rory's dad. The rest of the season then unravels all the story lines that devout Gilmore Girls fans so desperately wanted. I remember Lauren Graham making an excuse about how the show ended saying that it was a show about a mother and a daughter and it remained that way. C'mon! That is such a lame excuse when you find out your show is cancelled over the telephone while at lunch. I'd string a bunch of meaningless words together too to hide the pain.

Luke and Lorelai are meant to be together! There's too much history, too much longing for their story not to end happily.  I know the show was more dramady than a sit-com, but that doesn't mean the show can't satisfy those wishes of so many fans.

I look at another show Lauren Graham was on that ended recently, Parenthood. As sad as I was to say goodbye to the Braverman patriarch, all the happiness that came about after his passing made up for it. THAT'S how you end a show beloved by audiences and it was only on for FIVE years.

So here's how I imagine the writers will make up for that unsatisfying, horrible excuse of a series finale that was season 7 of Gilmore Girls.

Luke and Lorelai got married (FINALLY) she wakes up to call Rory who took the San Francisco Gazette job instead of running off to work for Obama's campaign (really? Other than a stint as Chilton Student Body Vice-President, Rory showed no inclinations toward politics), and begin to tell her the crazy dream she had (SEASON 7!) That whole season was crazy, it deserves to be painted as a ridiculous farce because why else would they continue to make stupid decisions. The characters were growing leaps and bounds by the end of season six and then comes the last to dash it all away with conversations like:

LUKE: Where have you been?

LORELAI: It doesn't matter.

LUKE: What are you talking about it doesn’t matter, I've been looking everywhere for you. I tried your cell. I went by the inn. Patty was at your house.

LORELAI: Let's elope.

LUKE: [Stunned] What?

LORELAI: Come on, Luke. Grab your keys. Let's go.

LUKE: Elope?

LORELAI: You said that would be fine at Martha's Vineyard. Didn't you say that would be fine at Martha's Vineyard?

LUKE: Yes, I did. I'm just…

LORELAI: Come on, then! Let's go! We can drive to Maryland. What the hell, right? I mean, you have to see Maryland eventually. We can drive there, get married, and then come back here. And you'll get your stuff, and you'll move in.

LUKE: Okay, hold on. 

LORELAI: I mean we have the plan already, right? We just have to put the plan in motion.

LUKE: Let's calm down. We don't have to figure all this out now, do we?

LORELAI: Yes, we do, because we've been waiting and putting it off, and I don't want to put it off anymore.

I trimmed a few lines

LUKE: We can't just take off and get married.

LORELAI: Why not, Luke? Don't you love me?

LUKE: You know I do.

LORELAI: But I love you, Luke. I love you. But I have waited, and I have stayed away, and I have let you run this thing, and no more. I asked you to marry me, and you said yes.

LUKE: Yeah, I'm just trying to think here.

LORELAI: We fixed up the house, right? We have a bigger closet, and I didn't get the purple wallpaper because you didn't want the purple wallpaper. And if it's between you and the purple wallpaper, I pick you!

and a few more

LUKE: I have to think this through.


LUKE: I have April!

LORELAI: You're gonna have to figure out how April fits into our lives, not the other way around.

LUKE: I'm trying.

LORELAI: Well, try married!

LUKE: Just wait!

LORELAI: No! I'm not waiting! It's now or never!

LUKE: I don't like ultimatums!

LORELAI: I don't like Mondays, but unfortunately they come around eventually.

I love how show writers solve a problem (insert sarcasm font here).  This could have been maturely handled but instead, they sent Lorelai to Christopher's. ARGH! Anyone else with me on this?

Then this scene wouldn't have happened the same way! Luke came the next morning with his truck loaded to the gills to make that commitment to elope! They made Lorelai a vengeful, bitter woman! 

Now whether Rory and Logan got back together is another beast to tackle. Another post perhaps.

I hope you enjoyed my musings on this subject that is very near and dear to my heart.

Until next time,

Miss Chris

15 January 2014

How to Cry Without Really Trying...

Find out that your son has flushed one of his VERY expensive hearing aids down the toilet.

Considering that his hearing loss is fairly mild, I might hold off replacing the flushed one until he asks me to hear better. 

I overestimate his intelligence when it comes to pricey technology. These babies were Bluetooth capable!! 

26 September 2013

Where in the World is Miss Chris?

I have been neglecting this very dedicated blog. I don't even want to look at my history to see the last time that I actually posted something. I'm more than a little embarrassed. So where have I been? I've been writing. That's right. Writing. A book. I actually have two plots (finished and everything) that I just need to flesh out. I'm pink with giddy that I have a direction with the current story I'm working on. I don't have a name for it yet but the working title is Best Friends.

Here's a little synopsis:

A boy and girl are best friends growing up, even into high school even though everyone thinks they're a couple, even their parent's who aren't really happy about it. After high school they go off to college and marry different people. They try to stay in contact as the years progress, but life gets in the way and they lose touch. But 25 years down the road they find each other again in the most unusual of ways.

I should try and supplement so that my writing doesn't get stale.

In the meantime, dig around. Imagine I've left you the keys to my house and letting take a tour without me.

Until next time,

Miss Chris

20 August 2013


In psychology stairs can represent...

Reaching new heights emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc.
A higher understanding of learning
Regressing into your subconscious (if you're going down the stairs)
Spiral stairs could mean growth/rebirth

But to me they will always mean fun! I lived in a one-story house with a basement. Not just any kind of basement. We had a completely separate living area that we could mess up to our childish heart's content. And company wouldn't be the wiser. When I was little and my oldest sisters were already married (I was seven) my two older brothers occupied the two bedrooms and shared bathroom. I recall I've had every room in that house (except my parents' of course). When you've lived in the same house for 19 years, you tend to migrate from room to room as the house empties.

We also played a lot on the stairs. I remember playing with an old Hot Wheels set on the stairs, My Little Pony, and church with my dollies. (Yes, I couldn't get enough church apparently.) When I was four we took some family pictures on the stairs and when my parents were getting ready to leave the house that many of us called home we took the same picture on the stairs again. The stairs seemed so few then, all of us trying to pile in. But when I had to vacuum them, endless!

I have stairs in the home that I share with husband and the boy and lined along it are pictures of our parents and grandparents. Most have passed on now and so it's nice to imagine that they are watching over our little family.

If you're interested in analyzing more objects, check out Dream Moods. (It's where I got my information)

16 August 2013

Nerdy Girls

Have you seen the movie Wreck-It Ralph? Well, if you haven't you have to. I've seen it about a bazillion times thanks to the boy. I don't know what Disney's deal is but every nerdy girl is a blond, blue-eyed, glasses-clad girl. Me.

I've had glasses since I was two. I couldn't see the fingers on my hand unless they were inches from my face. My parents tell me that I was legally blind. Since the tender age of 14 I have been wearing contact lenses.

Here are some comparison shots:

(Who doesn't love that late 80s hair?)

Do you recognize this little thing? She makes an appearance on Disney's A Goofy Movie when they arrive at a possum theme park. My sarcastic uncle lovingly compared me to her when I was in kindergarten after he saw the film. Nice.

Here's the girl from Wreck-It Ralph. As soon as I saw her, I thought, "Disney?! What the heck?!"

It isn't just me right?

~Lady Jane

07 August 2013

And the Best Buds Award Goes To....

All throughout the history of television there have been the best friends that helped catapult a show into syndication. So here I go, trying to remember the memorable best buds of television and yes I'm gonna get some flack from people that I didn't remember their favorite duo, but it's my blog and the pairs that I mostly remembered by myself, mostly.

#20- Franklin & Bash

One of my new favorite shows, they make lawyer shows fun. Isn't that enough? I don't need the nitty-gritty, that's for pseudo television watchers. It's the real couch potatoes like myself that want escapism. Reality TV? No thank you, although I do like my SYTYCD show. 

#19-  Joey & Chandler

Apartment 19, J&C, Chick and the Duck, Joey and Chans. This lovable duo made us laugh at innuendo of them being a married couple (those were my favorite) and the many hugs shared by two best buds. 

#18- Leonard and Sheldon

Anyone who could live with Sheldon is a Saint in my book! The crap (excuse my french) that Sheldon puts Leonard through is not only cruel, but hysterical (gotta love TV huh?). Sheldon doesn't know how lucky he is to have a friend like Leonard or Howard or Raj for that matter. 

#17- Shawn and Gus

Shawn and Ovaltine Jenkins, Shawn and Methuselah Honeysuckle, Shawn and Gurton Buster, these two solve crimes like Laurel and Hardy hit punchlines. I love how Gus has stood by Shawn and his albeit lie, but best friends don't tell. Personally, I think Gus wishes he were solving crimes full-time instead of being a pharmaceutical rep.

#16- Alfalfa and Spanky


I think these two made my list because the recent adaptation came on cable not too long ago. Alfalfa and Spanky learned it's better to be supportive even among differences of opinion. 

#15- Buddy and Sally

What can I say about Buddy and Sally! If you haven't seen "The Dick Van Dyke Show" catch it on Netflix! These two will bust your stitches. When I first saw this show I was younger and thought Buddy and Sally were a married couple, but they were better: a comedy writing duo!

#14- Pat and Vanna

Since letters appearing on a board was popular television we've had Pat Sajak and Vanna White. I also thought these two were a married couple, but that just proves my point that I'm a hopeless romantic and the producers picked a good pair to help us solve the puzzle every weekday night.

#13- Regis and Kathie Lee

I knew these two weren't married, but they did make a great pair. I remember my mom watching them when I stayed home from school due to illness. That was the only time I got to watch them, but when I did, I thought they had great chemistry and was a bit upset that Kathie Lee was leaving the show because I thought no one could complement Regis like she did.

#12- Batman and Robin 

Holy dynamic duo, Batman! What else is there to say really? It's Batman and Robin. I might as well post on the wonder that is peanut butter and jelly or eggs and bacon.

#11- The Doctor and Donna

I love these two companions! Later I found out that Catherine Tate (Donna) was a very popular British comedienne. I appreciate her humor so much more in the seasons she was with David Tennant (The Doctor). If you're not willing to watch Dr. Who (SHAME!) check out this skit. You won't be disappointed, although it could use some subtitles.

#10- Donny and Marie

She's a little bit country, he's a little bit Rock 'n' Roll and together they make great music...for a brother and sister. My mom bought videos of some of their best moments of the Donny and Marie show back in the 70s. They are very talented and let's just say I wish I was an Osmond.

#9- The Skipper and Gilligan

For all the shenanigans Gilligan put Skipper through, they still stayed best buds. There were times I wanted to strangle Gilligan myself, but Skipper taught me not to do that.

#8- Cliff and Norm

The duo that made drinking funny and completely normal. Sometimes I wonder what my parents were thinking when they watched this show, it's no different than the Friends sitting around drinking caffeine (both equally addicting).

#7- Laverne and Shirley

I used to watch Laverne and Shirley reruns before going to afternoon kindergarten. Yes, I had no idea what the episodes were about but I loved the show so much that when monograms on your clothes were the "in" thing (about ten years ago) I wanted an L. My name begins with a C actually. But when the Nanny paid tribute to the show I understood the reference. How many 29 year olds can say that? (Although, is that something to be proud of?)

#6- The Fonz and Richie

I just know that The Fonz was fly and that Richie Cunningham was the kind of boy you wanted your parents to meet and they hung out together. I never really knew why?

#5- Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Fife

Sheriff and his Deputy, it's built right in.

#4- Laurel and Hardy

The best buds of slapstick comedy there ever was. I am particularly fond of slapstick comedy and that's why Laurel and Hardy come in at number 4.

#3- Bert & Ernie

Were they brothers? Or just roommates? But either way, Bert and Ernie have been buds since 1969. They constitute a great pair because one is the dreamer the other practical, there's bound to be confusion and frustration. Mix in a little comedy and you've got a pair that's timeless.

#2- Oscar & Felix

The slob meets the OCD (before it was OCD) man. My guess, hijinks ensued. (This contribution was brought to us by my sister Stacy, she's about a decade and a little older than me, she made me put them in.)


#1 Lucy and Ethel 

What can we say about the pair that started it all, the pickles they got themselves into, the squabbles and reconciling. Lucy and Ethel are the quintessential best buds of all time! I think most of their shenanigans started with phrases like, "If we could just..."

Well, there you have it folks, a list of my (well, most of them) favorite television duos.

And honorable mention goes to Warner & Eli from the new TV series starting this fall, Dads. If you haven't seen a commercial for it yet, do yourself a favor and watch one. Hilarious!!! They are gonna be the next Joey and Chandler, I just know it. 

Until next time,

Lady Jane

19 July 2013

Looking for Love Stories Part Deux

As I was conversing with a friend about my recent love stories post, I unknowingly forgot to mention other famous couples from television. So here I go, trying to remember...


The Buchmans

I loved watching Mad About You. I especially loved watching reruns on TV. This is one series I would love to have in my DVD collection. When I was younger and watching it every week, I wanted to marry a guy just like Paul. Turns out, I did (kinda). He's a great guy, supports our little family and is a little eccentric in his INTJ-ness. 

The Huxtables

The Huxtables' marriage is one I aspire to. They made time for each other in their very busy lives as doctor and lawyer, they taught their children morals and raised them with their feet on the ground. Even though they made a decent living, they balked at extravagant toy prices and when their kids assumed they were rich. 

The Bunkers

All I know about the Bunkers, is the stories my older family members have mentioned. Edith would do anything Archie said and he was kind of a grouch. I couldn't make a post on television couples again without including the Bunkers, it'd just be wrong! They were Frank and Marie Barone of the 70s, except Marie spoke her mind and often.

The Ricardos

As much as I dislike how Ricky talked down to her, they had their good times. But I suppose this was just a comedic version of the way life was back in the 50s. The man worked, the wife shopped for the house with her allowance. 

The Petries

I think they are my other favorite TV couple. What can I say about the Petries? I think Laura had an incredible amount of humor to live with a comedy writer, that sometimes used their lives for inspiration. My favorite episodes are when either of them freak out. "Oh Rob!"


Cory and Topanga

I think we all saw this coming when Topanga became a fixture on the show "Boy Meets World". This was the couple that all the teenagers I knew in high school (I believe) wanted to have. They complemented each other perfectly. Near the end of the series though, Cory became more eccentric. But I'm so happy that they gave kids a healthy (if somewhat exaggerated) ideal of a good relationship. They worked out their problems!!

Zack and Kelly

If you kept up with the whole franchise like I did, after the "Saved by the Bell: College Years" you were satisfied that Zack and Kelly made it to the altar. I love this picture! It's like a foreshadowing of what's to come. At that point in time, we all hoped this would someday be the case. 

Monica and Chandler

I think I like their love story more as I watch the series. (I have it all 10 seasons on DVD) They fall in love over the course of a couple of seasons. They finally get married and a trial tests this couple. They can't conceive. It's a problem many couples face and I'm glad Monica and Chandler grew closer together instead of placing blame on the other for the problems they were facing.

Mal and Inara

We only had 1 season! Just one! So who's to say that they didn't get married eventually? I say they did!

 Marshall and Lily

I'm not a die-hard HIMYM fan, but Marshall and Lily are the only married couple that we actually see on the show (of the friends) that they made my list. I like that they met in college, became friends and eventually got married. They make married life look funny and real. 

Amy and Rory

The Ponds! I love them! I think we can all agree that Amy wears the pants in that relationship, but regardless, Rory has never showed love like any other character I know! He waited 2000 years for Amy, he got upset that she grew old without him, that he followed her into the TARDIS to share incredible adventures with her and The Doctor. 

I realize this post would make so much more sense around Valentine's Day, but mine and the husband's  anniversary (10 years!) is coming up so that's why. 

~Lady Jane

16 July 2013

Potty Training

...that's why I've been M.I.A.

This is probably the last post you'd expect from me. Who am I kidding, I'm a mom and never pretended this blog to be anything but a sound stage for all my thoughts, maternal and otherwise.

I don't know if it was talking with other moms or what, but last Monday, I decided to start potty training the boy for real! I think the reason why I waited so long (the boy turned 3 in March) was because I wasn't ready yet. So here are some things I learned while potty training my boy.

1. The parent needs to be more ready than the kid (in a manner of speaking). I think I had to come to the realization that I would have messes to clean or give up making trips longer than an hour out of the house to the store.

2. If you've got the resource of your parent or a friend who's had more than 3 kids to get advice from, DO IT! As I've mentioned before, I'm the youngest of seven, so my mom has probably seen every scenario when it came to potty training.

3. Praise is very important!

4. Find out what makes your child happy. Whether it's treats, stickers, little trinkets (no need to go overboard) something that will make the experience of using the potty a more enjoyable experience.

All of this advice could easily be found in any parenting magazine, but I thought it was funny when my friend asked what medium I was using to potty train and all I said was, "Mom." This lady I call mom has been a huge lifesaver. I can't imagine trying to do this without her sage wisdom; after all the kids she's had, I think she deserves the credit.

25 June 2013

"Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime?"

It's been a few weeks since my last post and I must admit, it has been an adjustment with the boy since I stopped working. I decided to adopt a summer schedule, a routine we could have so that boredom and cabin fever wouldn't set in...as much.

I'm a bit of a cheapskate so I assumed that doing activities with the boy would be too expensive. Apparently, there are lots of free things or inexpensive ways to spend our time. I took the boy to the movie theater last Friday and was expecting to pay $4 (not expensive, just expecting to pay) for the summer promotional kids' price but was pleasantly surprised to get in for FREE! I couldn't have expected anything better; the first time I take the boy to try out a movie we got in for free so it didn't cost me anything to experiment. By the way, he loved it! I was his seat the whole time though, at least I wasn't cold.

When you live on the surface of the sun otherwise known as Phoenix, Arizona, there's very few outdoor activities to do, so a mom's gotta get creative. Pinterest strikes again!

I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. There are tons of great ideas but with that comes the anxiety of trying to carry them out.

So I've decided to take the boy to the library on Mondays, play in the water on Wednesdays, take him to the movies on Thursdays and drop in on friends on Tuesdays or Fridays. With all of these activities I still manage to get regular house maintenance done. Even though the boy is a lot like me, I think it's good for him to be home and play with his own toys.

What do you do in the summertime?

~Lady Jane

29 May 2013


I am friends with hermits. You would think I'd love that quality in a friend because I'm terribly anxious when I'm in my own home for extended periods of time, but that's not always the case. Because they are hermit-like I have to make the first move (again, not always fun) and rely on their schedule to figure out my own. I've tried studying the hermit in their own habitat, how they manage to create an atmosphere of an open-invitation policy. That is what's so fascinating to me; they manage to make me feel so welcome and yet they don't like to leave. I can't quite capture the same courtesy extended to me regarding my own house. Maybe my outward appearance and feelings toward my own house come across that I don't want people to come over because I'd much rather leave and go where they are.

Does that make me a coward or a good friend? I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that out.

I thought it would help me to research famous TV hermits, but all it yielded me was Herman's Hermits. (Great band, but not exactly what I was hoping for) and Eric "Plays-with-Squirrels" Matthews from Boy Meets World. Again, not really the result I was expecting.

I'm well aware of the idea that the world would be pretty boring if we were all the same, but would it kill the universe to send me a friend that was a little more like me? One who doesn't mind spending time over here? One who calls me? 

* End rant * 

I told you I feel better when I get things off my chest in writing. 

~Lady Jane 

21 May 2013

"Memries, like the corners of my mind..."

When I was a little girl, I read a story in my elementary school library about a woman who wanted to make the world a prettier place. I loved the book, but promptly forgot about it, except this idea about a woman who could simply walk by a field and flowers would blossom.

Growing up, my mother's parents would come to visit, for months at a time! They would park their motorhome outside my bedroom window. I would come home from school and see granny unclipping her dry laundry from the line she put up moments after her arrival. I would drop off my bag and hop over to the motorhome for Danish cookies. Do you know the ones?

I loved these. (I wish I knew where to buy these).

I remember my mom saying that her rose bushes seemed to grow faster or bloom bigger after granny walked by. And that thought has never left me, imprinted in my heart and memories. So whenever I think of her, I would remember that story of a woman who walked by a field and flowers would bloom.

For years, I have been trying to find the title of the story that has been so much a part of my childhood and I didn't even know what it was called.

The husband and I have been living in our new home for almost a year now and we're trying to figure out how to decorate our bedroom. He had this idea to find scientific drawings for his side of the bed whether it was of sea shells, coral, something. On my side a painting of the same subject and in the middle (above our bed) a photograph of said subject. He brought up lupin. Apparently, there were lupin fields where he grew up. The name alone didn't spring to mind a picture so I googled it.

And this book was among the search results. The cover looked familiar so I clicked on it, revealing a story that I remembered but had long forgotten.

This story that had been in the recesses of my inner memories once again sprang to the forefront. I lovingly attacked the husband with thank yous pouring from my mouth. I almost cried.

15 May 2013

Looking for Love...Stories

What is our obsession with love?

My husband and I were watching Warehouse 13 (Yeah! It's back on television again) and noticed in the most recent episode a little bit of admiration on both parts. It was my husband who observed the spark between the two and it made me wonder...Are we as humans obsessed with love? In shows where there are male and female counterparts, are we automatically drawn to find the possible love story?

Here are some of my favorites in no particular order:

I would be lying if I never thought about Pete and Micah getting together. They make an excellent team at snagging and bagging and in the most recent episode it appears to be more obvious that it could be heading the way of other crime-fighting partners before them. They've done it before on the show.

Another couple I was hoping to get together was Shawn Spencer and Juliet O'Hara. And boy was I deliriously happy that the writers took them on the journey.

I was more bummed than ever when the truth finally came out to Juliet. I hate to admit it, but my friend was right about TV work partner relationships, they just mess up the show. Psych was fine up until Juliet knew the truth about Shawn.

For the past four seasons I have been waiting for this very moment...

 If you haven't unloaded the weight off your DVR, SHAME ON YOU!

And last but not least, my favorite crime-fighting duo. The couple that started out as an assignment became a testament of true love.

Does anyone else cry that the show is over?

No onto a slightly different category, but not really. Here are another two couples that found love working with each other.

Over the past couple of years, I have become ensconced into all things Whovian. However, I'm ashamed to admit, that Rose Tyler was not my favorite companion for the Doctor, but there is a love story there. That's why I'm acknowledging it.

As far as companions go, I thought Donna Noble was pretty hilarious. But that's not the point.

Jim and Pam captured our hearts! They are the everyday couple that we all are with our significant others, and that's what I love about them. They are understated romantics and that's how I think most couples operate.

In the beginning

Even though these photos were for Entertainment Weekly, I would imagine Jim and Pam's wedding photos in real life would look something like this.

Now onto the love stories that developed in a matter of minutes...

Who doesn't love a scoundrel? The love story of Han and Leia is the kind I like to capture in my writing, the heated, not wanting to admit it kind of love. This scene alone, is where it all began.

A love story for the ages, I know.

The marriage that every couple wants to aspire to...

Do I really need to say more than that?

And a list isn't complete without the roommate/apartment building/friend relationships

I don't know about you, but I love Nick and Jess! They are so quirky, weird and stupid for each other. Despite what others may say, these two have Ellie and Carl written all over 'em.

The revelation during the dare was all I needed!

The most unlikeliest of romances, but Leonard and Penny manage to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when they act like a real couple. Let's just say based on my last post, this is me and the husband.

If you're thinking I'm talking about Monica and Chandler, keep on walking. Although, they are another love story for another time.

I'm a Friends Fanatic! I have the 10 seasons on DVD and have probably watched all seasons about three or four times. Even starting over, I am in agony over Ross and Rachel's relationship. Are they going to get together? And when they break up, will they get back together? They manage to keep me in suspense even though I practically know each episode if you give me the title. 

I guess if there is potential for a love story, the hopeless-romantics will find it. 

Until next time,

Lady Jane